Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wha?!? Name Change?

A wild rumour took a strong foothod on the internet following Tuesdays 8-3 loss to the Spartans. A story surfaced on that Bomber management was contemplating renaming adult hockey's most historic franchise to the "Crazy Eights". A source within the Bomber orginization said "That is untrue. We were just throwing out marketing ideas for the Spring season. Since we only play with eight guys in the spring we thought it might play well with the fans."

Apparantly the source was misinformed because there already is a grassroots movement forming that uses the slogan-"Please Don't Blow Up The Bomb!" It is unrealistic that this is nothing more than a rumour and the historic Bomber Hockey should be safe but the Bombers look to increase their player attendance just in case. "We don't want to fool around with something like that." said Bomber forward Bobby Calvano.

So don't get used to eight players being the norm for the Bombers this season. "We will have more guys on Friday. Really." said Bomber captain Bill Auld. Let's hope so cap. lets hope so.

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